Thưa cha,

Con có quen một người bạn trai đã gần một năm. Mọi chuyện rất là tốt đẹp. He is very serious about the relationship. However, there was something he said that really bother me. My boyfriend, who is 41 years old, said that it’s okay for a married person to have a Single friend on the opposite sex. For example, he and a lady friend to ski/swim together because I/other spouse doesn’t do it. I told him that I don’t agree with it because “lửa gần rơm lâu ngày cũng cháy.” Am I right? Please help me by telling me what you think. Because he will deploy to Iraq in 3-5 days, should I bring this issue up? (TD)

TD mến,

Về vấn đề TD hỏi, cha thiết nghĩ it’s okay for a married person to have a Single friend of the opposite sex. However, I do not agree with the “activities” that your boyfriend is doing with his lady friend. And I think you’re right. Lửa gần rơm không sớm thì muộn… cũng cháy! Cha đang ngồi hình dung bạn trai của TD skiing/swimming với người bạn gái khác… trong khi để TD ở nhà… ghosh, I just can’t take it. And I don’t think there is any person can take it, if she really loves her husband or boyfriend. Perhaps, your boyfriend is already deployed to Iraq. But, if you have a chance, I think you should bring this issue up to him. Chẳng thà mất lòng trước được lòng sau TD à. Chứ cứ lăng nhăng như thế này mãi thì chỉ khổ về sau.

Thân mến trong Chúa Kitô,
